Diagnostic complex

This diagnostic complex is elaborated on the basis of electropunctual diagnostics using the “Crystal” method.

The complex is intended for quick detection of a person’s physical and psychological condition.

It is recommended in the practice of psychologists, medical professionals and social workers, teachers, personnel management for the purpose of improving work efficiency and quality and also for everyone who is interested in self-knowledge.

The complex makes it possible for specialist to screen a person with the help of soft hardware within 5-10 minutes. On the basis of the examination results specialist can do the following::

    • Estimate psychological condition of a person, the main characteristics of his cognition and personality development.
    • Estimate functional condition of all main organism systems and reveal possible reasons of psycho-emotional character if a person has some disturbances.
    • Determine biological age of the whole organism and its separate systems.
    • Carry out both qualitative and comparative analysis of individual data and group and several groups’ data.
    • Оptimize set of correctional measures that can be characterized as medico-psycho-pedagogical on the basis of objective data.
    • Evaluate the efficiency of these measures on every step of implementation.

    Description of the method

    The main thing of the method is measuring electrical conductivity of skin integument zones being the projection of biologically active points with the help of hardware component of the diagnostic complex and in computer processing of measuring results.

    Advantages of the method:

    • high information value
    • non-invasive character
    • quick of the procedure
    • comfort and convenience for the person examined
    • simplicity for the experimentalist
    • cheap equipment.

      The symmetric representative points of bel-meridians founded by doctor Pak Ji Voo (Korea) are used as BAP. These points are located on hands.

    The following technique of examination is absolutely safe and does not cause any negative effect on a person because of using the small size of current (to 10 μА).